Our Conductors

Meet the conductors of the Pine Creek Community Band. We thank them for their leadership and artistic influence.



Randy Heide

I have a Bachelors in Music Education from the Duquesne University School of Music and also a Masters in Leadership & Liberal Studies.

I was recruited into Pine Creek Band by Jeff Chambers in 1991 as the sole bassoonist and assistant conductor for the organization. On Jeff’s retirement, I assumed the role of conductor 2 weeks before the opening Christmas Concert at UPMC Passavant Hospital.

My philosophy for Pine Creek is that of a true Community Band, where all are welcome, regardless of ability. There are no auditions. We will find a spot for you! However, that does not mean we are not serious about outcomes; a good performance is goal. Rehearsals, I hope, are fun but not without a bit of challenge. My selection of arrangements focuses on 4 principals.

  1. Does it have a recognizable melody?
  2. Will the band sound good playing the arrangement?
  3. Will the band enjoy playing the arrangement?
  4. Will the audience enjoy listening to the performance?

Hope to see and hear you soon!

Assistant Conductor


Jim Patnesky

I have a Bachelor of Music Education degree from West Virginia University. In a previous life, I was a music teacher/band director (K-12) in Greenbrier County, WV. I received a Computer Science Masters degree from West Virginia University after a five year teaching stint. Since then, I have worked as a Software Programmer/Designer, a V&V Engineer, a Software Quality Engineer, and a Manufacturing Quality Engineer at various companies in State College and the Pittsburgh area. I am currently retired, enjoying playing for and conducting the Pine Creek Community Band, and involved with singing and playing in various church choirs.